Well ladies and gents, I'm still not moved yet. This means I still don't have my crafting stuff. :-( It's looking like I'm going to be buying my Christmas cards this year, which makes me sad since I haven't done that in years, but such is life. Hopefully next year will bring new surroundings for me, and return me to my craft stuff!
Even though I don't have my sewing machine, and scrapbooking/card making stuff, I do have my crochet hooks! Most of the yarn I have is in storage too, but I have purchased some and I've been crocheting to give me something to do to fill that crafty hole! I finished a baby afghan the other day. I think it is super cute, and will eventually be placing it on etsy. The pattern takes a bit of time, simply because in the petal squares you have to change yarn color almost every row. It turned out lovely though!
I've already begun on a new hooded afghan for a baby since I needed something simple to do after that beast! It's also the only pattern I remember how to do by memory since all my patterns are, you guessed it...in storage! I have enough yarn left over from this project too that I'm making a scarf when I feel adventurous, lol.
Anywho, just a quick note to say I haven't given up crafting, and I haven't forgotten this blog. Just still waiting! If you are interested on how things are going in my personal life, I tend to post more on my other blog, Learning To Love Me, and try to keep this one simply about crafting. Hope everyone in the US enjoys Thanksgiving, and I'll post any new projects as I complete them! =)
Writing, paper crafting, photography, crochet, painting, quilting, and any other way that I express myself.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I Miss My Craft Stuff!!
Well a brief, long overdue, update for you. I have moved back in with my parents, currently don't have a job, am recovering from a broken hand sustained in a car accident, I still haven't completed all the work to get my Master's, and all of my craft stuff is in storage because I didn't think I would be in this situation this long. Right now things are rough. I don't know where I'm going, or what I'm doing, but I know that there is a plan for me, I just have to figure it out. So no I haven't forgotten about this blog, and I haven't forgotten about crafting, as a matter of fact I really miss it! I promise to pick back up with this as soon as I have a job and can move back out and get my things out of storage. If you are interested in what's going on in my life I am able to keep up with my other blog, Learning to Love Me, more regularly. Right now though, I just really miss my craft stuff!!! :-(
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Long Time No See!
So I know, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Like I said there was a lot going on in my life, and there still is, and crafting in general has taken a back seat to all of that. Between illnesses, computer crashes, finals, job hunting, fretting, trying to get control of my life again, and just other craziness I haven't been spending a lot of free time doing the things I love. I'm aiming to change that though, and try to get better at making time. There might be fewer posts on this blog as well, because of another blog that I recently began about getting healthy and changing my life. If you're interested in that kind of thing be sure to check out, Learning to Love Me.
Now on to the crafty bits that I do have for you. Although I have pictures of cards that I have made when I had time, they are trapped in a crashed hard drive that I am desperately trying to get fixed and rescued. So if pictures weren't saved on my thumb drive, or still on my camera I don't have access to them. Some cards I have even sent out already so I can't retake pictures of them. Anyways what I do have of both cards and quilting I am more than willing to share now. Enjoy!
That's all I have. Sorry I don't have anything more exciting to show off, but hopefully in a few months when I don't have to worry about school anymore, and will hopefully be in a job I'll have some free time to do more of this stuff. =)
Now on to the crafty bits that I do have for you. Although I have pictures of cards that I have made when I had time, they are trapped in a crashed hard drive that I am desperately trying to get fixed and rescued. So if pictures weren't saved on my thumb drive, or still on my camera I don't have access to them. Some cards I have even sent out already so I can't retake pictures of them. Anyways what I do have of both cards and quilting I am more than willing to share now. Enjoy!
The quilt top is finally done!!! (Please ignore the kitty sized bump under it!) I still need to do the actual quilting, but it is fully pieced together which is a huge accomplishment! |
Due to the size of my sewing space right now I think I may have to wait a little while before actually quilting this piece. |
A quilted purse that I made. (Again ignore the kitty who likes having her picture taken, lol.) |
The only picture I have right now of any of the cards I've made. A Birthday card. |
Same purse pattern, different fabrics. |
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Update, and Some Cards
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. I promise I didn't forget about this blog, I just have been swamped with school. I'm getting ready to graduate in August with my Masters of Science in Educational Psychology, and I'm currently in my last full semester of classes which is kicking my butt! On top of all that I'm on the hunt for a job, trying to figure out where I'll be moving to when my lease is up the end of July! There are various other things going on too that I won't get into, but it's just a never ending list of things to do. Somehow I don't see it letting up for quite some time too. Yikes!
Anywho, Even though I've been busy I have gotten some crafting done. Mostly cards, but a tag I made for Amanda from Lets Get Creative Friendship tag swap to share as well. Enjoy, and I'll try to get some more stuff done when I can! =)
Anywho, Even though I've been busy I have gotten some crafting done. Mostly cards, but a tag I made for Amanda from Lets Get Creative Friendship tag swap to share as well. Enjoy, and I'll try to get some more stuff done when I can! =)
Quilled butterflies by my sister Jen |
Quilled butterfly by my sister Jen |
The tag for Amanda's tag swap, the theme was Friendship, and a lace doily had to be used |
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ok I'm still around, my life is just more nuts than usual. I'll try and post some stuff soon, but until summer I may get behind on the blogging. Don't worry I'm sure I'll make up for it then. =)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My Sentiments Exactly
Hey everyone! Just a quick post to let you know there are shenanigans happening this weekend with my sister so look for some new stuff to be posted next week! It's always nice when she can spend some time with me, and we can craft together...I just wish I didn't have to do homework while she is here too. (finish this semester and one more class...finish this semester and one more class...my mantra right now!)
So you all should know by now that being a poor graduate student means that I don't always have the craft budget that I would like. With that in mind I always enter any contests that companies put on in an effort to get some free swag! This has been a lot of fun in the past, I've won prizes from Penny Black Stamps and My Sentiments Exactly! Just to remind you here are some of the cards I have made with free swag from MSE before...

Well MSE is doing it again, they're asking us to post a blog about their new Facebook page for a chance to win some new stuff. So you know I'm in on that! So go check out their Facebook page and become a fan, because I you know that I am! You should also check out their website at www.sentiments.com. A personal favorite product are the Rubz, they are designed to have a phrase for the outside, and inside of the card. They're now even making them into stamps!!
So now you have my shameless plug of the day in hopes of getting some free swag, and some old cards to hold you over until the weekend is over and I can show you what my sister and I have done. Look for new posts soon! =)
So you all should know by now that being a poor graduate student means that I don't always have the craft budget that I would like. With that in mind I always enter any contests that companies put on in an effort to get some free swag! This has been a lot of fun in the past, I've won prizes from Penny Black Stamps and My Sentiments Exactly! Just to remind you here are some of the cards I have made with free swag from MSE before...
So now you have my shameless plug of the day in hopes of getting some free swag, and some old cards to hold you over until the weekend is over and I can show you what my sister and I have done. Look for new posts soon! =)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Scrapbooking, Quilting, Sewing, and Photography
Ask and you shall make the time! I finally made time to do some more crafting which means that I have been doing a bit of everything. I'll start first with scrapbooking/photography.
So I have been asked by family to make a scrapbook of a recent family event since I took a lot of pictures during it. I agreed to do it, but then realized when I got home that I have to complete at least one of the two other albums that I'm working on. I'm getting a little backed up! Anyways, I worked on a personal page for myself though since I needed to just get the creative juices flowing again. Since I have so many pictures of her (and take more and more everyday!!) I decided to make a page about Luna! (Ok I might be bordering on crazy cat lady! If I get there feel free to reel me in!)

After I finished the page I began to get creative in other aspects as well, enter more quilting! Although I am still working on the same quilt, it is getting closer. I'm working on piecing everything together and will soon be attempting the actual quilting...that should be interesting! For now though just piecing it is enough work!

During the Super Bowl I began working on a baby sling. This is a project my sister asked me to attempt after I received my sewing machine at Christmas. A friend of hers is having a baby, when Jen saw the pattern when she went shopping with me she thought it would be a pretty awesome baby gift. I figured I'd give it a try. Amazingly it only took about a day to make, and turned out rather well. Although this one isn't the gift sling (figured I'd test run it first), I think it doesn't look half bad!

This is a picture of one with a baby in it so you get the idea of what it is. Sorry I don't have many babies lying around for me to use as models. =)

All right, that's all I have to share for now, now my mom and I are off to see a performance of Fiddler on the Roof! Should be a fun night! =)
So I have been asked by family to make a scrapbook of a recent family event since I took a lot of pictures during it. I agreed to do it, but then realized when I got home that I have to complete at least one of the two other albums that I'm working on. I'm getting a little backed up! Anyways, I worked on a personal page for myself though since I needed to just get the creative juices flowing again. Since I have so many pictures of her (and take more and more everyday!!) I decided to make a page about Luna! (Ok I might be bordering on crazy cat lady! If I get there feel free to reel me in!)
After I finished the page I began to get creative in other aspects as well, enter more quilting! Although I am still working on the same quilt, it is getting closer. I'm working on piecing everything together and will soon be attempting the actual quilting...that should be interesting! For now though just piecing it is enough work!
During the Super Bowl I began working on a baby sling. This is a project my sister asked me to attempt after I received my sewing machine at Christmas. A friend of hers is having a baby, when Jen saw the pattern when she went shopping with me she thought it would be a pretty awesome baby gift. I figured I'd give it a try. Amazingly it only took about a day to make, and turned out rather well. Although this one isn't the gift sling (figured I'd test run it first), I think it doesn't look half bad!
This is a picture of one with a baby in it so you get the idea of what it is. Sorry I don't have many babies lying around for me to use as models. =)

All right, that's all I have to share for now, now my mom and I are off to see a performance of Fiddler on the Roof! Should be a fun night! =)
Friday, January 28, 2011
What happened?!?!
All right, I hate the fact that every time I feel like I am getting ahead in things, for some reason a few days later I feel like I have fallen so far behind that I'm barely staying above water! I don't mind what put me behind this time, but I sure feel like I've been playing catch-up ever since. I really enjoy traveling home to visit friends and family, but I never seem to get anything done when I am there and then I come home to three times the work that needs to get done! It's time for me to stay put for a while!
So because of this I have done very little to stay up to date with my crafting, and keeping the Etsy site current. My goal for February is to find my balance again! Although I haven't gotten very far with the quilt I've been working on, I am finally piecing it together, a very little bit at a time, and it is actually beginning to look like a quilt!! Yay, lol! Here's a photo update:
No new cards, scrapbook pages, or pictures to post. This disappoints me since we all know how much I enjoy all of those activities. The fact is that I am quickly approaching graduation and that means finding a "real" job, moving, and beginning to pay back the thousands *eek!* of dollars that I borrowed to get this degree I am horrified I won't find a job in! Although this is all the more reason to do the things that I enjoy and take my mind off of things, I always have been a little backwards.
Enough worrying about my future for today, I won't be graduating if I don't get caught up with my homework which is really what I should be doing right now rather than writing this. Just think only 7 more weeks till spring break...ugh!!!
(Sorry this kind of turned into a rant more than an update on my creative side. I promise I will try to do better at not doing this, but I just have a lot on my mind right now.)
Also please let me know what you think of the new design of the blog, it's a work in progress! =)
So because of this I have done very little to stay up to date with my crafting, and keeping the Etsy site current. My goal for February is to find my balance again! Although I haven't gotten very far with the quilt I've been working on, I am finally piecing it together, a very little bit at a time, and it is actually beginning to look like a quilt!! Yay, lol! Here's a photo update:
Enough worrying about my future for today, I won't be graduating if I don't get caught up with my homework which is really what I should be doing right now rather than writing this. Just think only 7 more weeks till spring break...ugh!!!
(Sorry this kind of turned into a rant more than an update on my creative side. I promise I will try to do better at not doing this, but I just have a lot on my mind right now.)
Also please let me know what you think of the new design of the blog, it's a work in progress! =)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Happy New Year
I know, I know, I promised to post more after finals were over, and here it is a new year and I haven't posted anything for over a month. Well what do you want from me, I am a procrastinator, lol. I do have a good excuse though for having not posted, after finals I was traveling and just returned a few days ago. Long enough to do laundry, buy books for this semester, and turn around and leave again. Go figure. In any case believe it or not I have gotten a bit of crafting done, how you may ask since my paper crafting supplies take up a good portion of my apartment? Well I received this for Christmas:
Which means I've been working on these: 
As a matter of fact I almost have an entire quilt done! I also made a bag which is exciting! So be looking for new quilted items soon! Hopefully in a few weeks when I have been at home for longer than a week I will get back to card making, scrapbooking, and painting. Right now though I need a vacation from my vacation!
My crocheting which I normally do a lot of this time of year is sitting in a bag in my living room. My new kitten Luna seems to enjoy crocheting as well, she just does it differently than I do, pulling all the yarn all over my apartment! I think it is safer for both of us (her physically, and me mentally) to put it away for a little while. I need to sell what I have anyways, so be sure to check out the Etsy site!
I hope everyone had a safe holiday season, and I can't wait to get back on schedule and get some more crafting done soon! =)
As a matter of fact I almost have an entire quilt done! I also made a bag which is exciting! So be looking for new quilted items soon! Hopefully in a few weeks when I have been at home for longer than a week I will get back to card making, scrapbooking, and painting. Right now though I need a vacation from my vacation!
My crocheting which I normally do a lot of this time of year is sitting in a bag in my living room. My new kitten Luna seems to enjoy crocheting as well, she just does it differently than I do, pulling all the yarn all over my apartment! I think it is safer for both of us (her physically, and me mentally) to put it away for a little while. I need to sell what I have anyways, so be sure to check out the Etsy site!
I hope everyone had a safe holiday season, and I can't wait to get back on schedule and get some more crafting done soon! =)
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