All right this is going to kind of be a bit of a random post. So it's Fall and this means two things for me...First I'm going to be sick for the next 9 to 10 months (already got the flu and I even got a flu shot!) and second I'm going to be cooking up a storm! It seems like as soon as the weather begins to turn cool I become a magnet for germs...and I love to cook. Maybe the cooking thing is just to help keep the house warm, lol. In any case I made my first pumpkin spice roll of the season the other day. As anyone who knows me and has had it can tell you, it is by far the best recipe that my sister has ever found!!! I also decided to make potato bread since the oven was warm, and now have 2 loaves to last me for a while. This evening I decided to embark on unknown lands and made a butternut squash soup. I love butternut squash, but normally just roast it with some brown sugar and butter and call it a meal, but today I decided to be daring! It turned out all right with some feta cheese sprinkled on top, but I think I need to "Liza-fy" it and add something was just too plain for my tastes.

Ready to be cut up and enjoyed, this one is all mine!!! =)

Cooking the butternut squash with homemade chicken stock!!! What is wrong with me that I've become so domestic?!?!?

The finished soup with a bit of feta added for some extra flavor...yum!
Now on to the next random topic in this sister. Now she is random, and I only claim her when I have to, but she has discovered a new craft that she is really good at and enjoys. Quilling is rolling small strips of paper and gluing them together to create a decorative design. This was apparently a popular pastime for European women in the 18th century since it was seen as not to taxing for their minds. (This is taken from Wikipedia...I'm biting my tongue and many of you will know why.) Anywho Jen has begun to do this and is fairly good at it. She has made quite a few designs, but hasn't been up here to make cards with them yet. Last time she was up though she took some of her first designs and made a few holiday cards.

All right I may have given her a bit of help on the card design for this one.

And then there is the random Halloween card she made, lol.
I'm sure this qualifies as a totally random post, which is why I am going to end it. Two things before I turn my computer off for the night though. One I have been busy working on Christmas cards for the Hanover craft fair so look for another post from me in the next few days with pictures of those. Second, the Hanover craft fair will be December 4th at Hanover College in Hanover, Indiana...Please come!!!! The fact is that I hopefully will have a table if they aren't too expensive and I'll be selling cards and crocheted items. Since I am a poor graduate student, without a job right now I need all the money I can get so this may be my only source of income for a while. So come out and support me, tell your friends and family and tell them to support me too. =)